10th Ulla Klinger Cup 2023

All important informations about the 10th Ulla Klinger Cup can be found on this page.


Competition results (complete, parts)


This year the Ulla-Klinger-Cup will show a livestream provided by sportdeutschland.tv.

Start lists

The start lists are now ready.

Start lists

Timetable 2023

This is the timetable for the 10th Ulla-Klinger-Cup.

Registration status 2023

Registrations will be accepted until September 30th, 2023.

!!! Status of Entries !!!

The current status is that 108 divers have registered.

Besides our team from Aachen our guests will be the teams from Switzerland, the Netherlands, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ukraine, Norway and Czech Republic.

We would like to point out once again that for entries with a hotel booking, we can only guarantee rooms booked until September 30th. After that, additional rooms must be requested individually and we can no longer make a binding commitment to hotel rooms beforehand.

preliminary Timetable

Depending on entries some of the events may be combined or executed in parallel. Also, the start time on each day will be 8.30 or 9.00 am. We will try to ensure that the events will be finished before 18.00 (6pm) and Sunday until 15.30 (3.30 pm), but the time schedule could be extended up to 20.00 (8pm) and Sunday 16.00 (4pm). This will also depend on the amount of divers in the entries.
The final time schedule will be set up and made public after the final entries.

SV Neptun 1910 Aachen e.V. Poster of 10th Ulla-Klinger-Cup 2023 diving

Image galery

Special Thanks


